Friday, December 21, 2012

I know.

I have not been doing a very good job of updating this blog so far!  I'll do it when I can, no promises of a new post every week though.

I have spent the past few days being extra thankful for a happy, fun-filled life!  I have fun with my children and we laugh together lots.  I have a husband that makes me laugh each and every day.  We are blessed beyond measure to have children that are smart, funny and kind. 

I have also been thankful for this baby growing inside me!  He is moving and shaking these days and when I looked at my pregnancy app today and it told me I have 15 weeks and 6 days left, it made me feel excited, relieved, anxious, all at the same time.  Being 37 and pregnant has not been the easiest thing I have ever done but I am now on the downhill slide!  Nursery, bedding, registering, washing tiny clothes, all that is coming in the next few weeks! 

This week Bowen was accepted into our districts Gifted and Talented program!  He is going to flourish in a GT atmosphere, Jonathan and I are so happy!  We are also happy and proud that Laine is now a Yellow-Black belt!  Laine and Bowen both work very hard at karate and I am glad that they enjoy it and glad (selfishly) that they have chosen a sport that does not have games every Saturday!  Hopefully they will both stick with it and become Black belts! Finally, I am proud to say that I have all the Christmas presents wrapped, a relaxing feeling! 

We are headed to Abilene tomorrow for festivities that begin with Blake's birthday and end with Christmas! 

Monday, November 5, 2012

In other news...

So, in other news...

Last week we went to a specialist since I am officially "advanced maternal age" to have genetic counseling and a diagnostic sonogram.  Everything looked perfect in the sonogram and at the end the Doctor asked if we were interested in know the sex of the baby.  Of course we were!  It took him awhile but he was not going to let this wiggly, legs crossed baby beat him.  We are having a boy!  Both Jonathan and I had that gut feeling he was a boy, but, you never know!  In the other two sonogram I had with Laine and Bowen I could look at the picture and see what the Dr was seeing.  In the pic below, I have no idea where he sees a penis.  Good thing is this week we go back to my regular doctor for a sonogram.  So perhaps I can see the boy parts then. 

I'm a BOY!!!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Fresh Start

we fell back last night and now I am wide awake at 6 am...lots has happened in the last few days and even more exciting things will be happening in the next few months so I thought starting up a blog again would be a great way to at least write everything down, even if no one reads!

Some of you may know that Jonathan was in a very serious car accident on November 1st.  First, he is doing well,  God had his hand on him and then our whole family throughout the entire crazy first few hours.   I received a phone call from Jonathan about 8:40 on Thursday morning, he told me he had been in a bad wreck and he was hanging upside down in his truck.  So, I told him what any wife would tell their husband in this situation "hang up the phone and call 911!"  He did and I called back in 5 minutes to hear his voice in the background saying he was going to pass out and the only information I got from the guy on the phone was he was being transported by Medstar.  I tried calling back several times just so I could find out which hospital he was going to.  If you know Jonathan's job, you know he travels around the DFW area to go to properties, there was no telling where he was! 

So I gathered my brain power and started texting, first our core group of friends for prayer.  Then I called his boss to see if his calendar said where he was to be that day.  Then I called my mom to tell her she needed to come and take care of Laine and Bowen.  My wonderful friend Heather came out to my car in the school parking lot to tell me she would drive me, that was worth a million bucks, not needing  to concentrate on the road.  We finally, with the help of some men in J's office figured out he was going to Harris downtown.  I was already there, waiting for word that he was there too.  A man called my cell phone and was surprised that I was waiting in the lobby of the ER.  He came and got me to take me back to see Jonathan and prepared me for what had happened before i saw him.  Two great things, no bleeding, no head trauma.  I knew that because he  talked to me from the scene that he was indeed conscious and breathing but to hear that news was a relief.  He was in a neck brace and had all his clothes cut off of him, the trauma surgeon reassured me even further that there were no massive injuries they were going to do a CT scan and an MRI to check the details of the damage done. 

I'm sure you may be wondering what caused the wreck!  Jonathan remembers most of everything that happened during the wreck and at the crash scene, its amazing.  He was driving east on I20 when someone in front of them slammed on the brakes.  TO avoid hitting that vehicle he swerved but there was a vehicle in the lane beside him too.  He swerved back and that is when he lost control of his truck, spun across three lanes of traffic and hit the retaining barrier that looks over a major street.  He said when his truck hit he could look down on the street and he just prayed he would not go over the barrier.  God worked miracles all day that day!  He landed upside down, the fire department had to roll his truck over to get him out, they also had to cut part of his roof off to make way for the backboard.  One of the hundreds of things we are thankful for is that there was an off-duty Arlington fireman two cars behind him when the wreck happened, he helped Jonathan so very much in those first few minutes at the scene. 

Praise God that all the tests came back and there were no structural injuries from the wreck!  He has a severe concussion, very deep bruising, and just lots of sorenesss from the impact.  We are beyond thankful to all our friends who were there at the hospital minutes after the wreck happened to pray, offer support to me and the kids and just be there for us.  This story is a testimony to lots of things and it will be told to the glory of Him who saves us everyday.